
Summer 2019

Smart Bathroom Pod

Goal: Create a bathroom that has smart lighting and controls for use in hospitals Smart Pod 1 Smart Pod 2
Challenge: electronics cannot be exposed because bathroom must be easily cleaned, ease of retrofit in current hospitals Smart Pod 3 Smart Pod 4
Success: created Raspberry Pi network with multiple nodes, each controlling different areas of the bathroom, developed displays that would be embedded in walls and behind mirrors Smart Pod 5

Hardware and Software Tools

Raspberry Pi Dotstar Wifi

Smart Keyboard

Goal: Create a keyboard that could have virtual ‘keys’ registered by one sensor and processed on a microcontroller, activate LED under button area pressed Smart Keyboard 1 Smart Keyboard 2
Challenge: Learning a new sensor technology, reliability of use, material constraints
Success: Keyboard was successfully created and detected ‘key’ presses with accuracy, leds below the pressed ‘key’ went through multiple design iterations

Hardware and Software Tools

Arduino Pyralux